Facial Rejuvenation At Home: What Makes Quick Result And Amazing Effect?

Age-related skin changes are a problem that every woman will face in due course. Not everyone who wants to keep their youth can afford a visit to the beauty salon. But there is a way out: you can rejuvenate your face at home. A quick result is quite possible if you choose the right methods.

Wrinkles are not a reason to be upset

Facial skin rejuvenation process at home

Many believe that the aging process of the skin is irreversible and that enormous resources are needed to combat the signs of aging. In fact, anyone can get a home facelift in a few days. The amazing effect of simple interventions will surprise you and your surroundings.

Botulinum toxin analogs

An excellent alternative to "beauty injections" are conventional pharmaceutical preparations - dimethyl sulfoxide and stimulant for tissue regeneration. The first belongs to the group of anti-inflammatory drugs for external use, which are prepared in the form of a concentrated solution in vials. Dimethyl sulfoxide solution:

  • disinfects and prevents inflammation of the skin;
  • promotes the deep supply of active elements, including oxygen;
  • accelerates the metabolism.

The tissue regeneration stimulant is a gel that regenerates the tissue in various lesions. When using the drug for rejuvenation, the following happens:

  • Regeneration of damaged skin areas, healing of microcracks;
  • Stimulation of collagen production;
  • improved blood circulation;
  • Restoration of skin firmness and elasticity.

To test the unique properties of the compound of these drugs, it is enough to apply a mask to the face. Follow these instructions:

  1. Read the information about the drugs and make sure they are not contraindicated for you.
  2. Wash yourself with warm water.
  3. Dilute 1: 10 DMSO.
  4. Treat the skin thoroughly with the resulting solution.
  5. After 5-7 minutes, apply the tissue regeneration gel to problem areas of the skin.
  6. Lightly moisturize the skin every 7-10 minutes for an hour.
  7. Rinse your face with 35 ° C warm water.
  8. Apply baby cream.
  9. With a large number of deep wrinkles, the procedure should be repeated every 14-20 days - once a week.

So, with these drugs, you can easily rejuvenate your face. The reviews of people who regularly resort to such a mask are impressive: women note a significant reduction in expression lines, improvement in skin color, suppleness and the absence of inflammation. Only a genetic predisposition for the early appearance of wrinkles can reduce the effect.

In addition to synthetic drugs, you can use natural masks, which are no inferior to the lifting procedures in the salon.

Fruit and berry mask

  1. Mash fresh blueberries, raspberries, cherries, cranberries and watermelon pulp.
  2. Add some vegetable oil or corn oil to the mixture.

Olive mask

Olive oil for a rejuvenating face mask
  1. Mix 15 ml of olive oil with the yolks of a chicken egg.
  2. Add 2-3 drops of lemon juice.

Protein mask

  1. Mix the egg white and 25 g wheat flour.
  2. You can add 5-7 drops of rose oil.

Mask made from cosmetic clay or soothing mud

  1. Any cosmetic clay or mud is diluted to a mushy state with water.
  2. An essential oil of your choice is added.

Masks are only applied after thorough washing and should be removed after 15 minutes. After rinsing off, remember to moisturize your skin with an oily cream. Users claim that if you perform procedures on a daily basis, the result of using antiaging blends will not last long.

"Sport" recipes for the youth

Many women wonder if rejuvenation is possible with just one exercise. A positive answer is certain if the physical activity is carried out conscientiously and regularly. Choose the exercise that best suits your skin condition or use an entire complex for a face lift if you wish. These simple steps can be completed without interrupting your household chores.

To prevent deepening of the nasolabial folds:

  1. Close your mouth tightly and take turns puffing out your cheeks.
  2. Move your lips up and down.

How to eliminate a double chin:

  1. Straighten your lower jaw and tense your neck.
  2. Roll your lips into a tube and blow the air out forcefully - slowly at first, then in short, quick jerks.

To strengthen the cheek muscles:

  1. Make chewing motions.
  2. Say the sounds "y" and "and" one after the other.

To reduce crow's feet near the eyes:

  1. Keep your head straight as you look up and down, left and right.
  2. Close your eyelids tightly, then lift them up.
  3. Quickly close your eyes for a minute, then relax.
  4. Open your eyes as much as possible.

These exercises should be done 5-7 times a day.

With the help of this massage, you can increase the effectiveness of masks and physical activity:

  1. Clean your hands and face.
  2. Apply olive or castor oil to your hands.
  3. Warm your face with your palms, stroking from the center line of the chin to the ears, then from the nose to the ears, and from the eyebrows to the hair.
  4. With light pressure on the fingertips, you move from the cheeks to the temples, from the outer corner of the eye to the nose.
  5. Massage your temples clockwise.
  6. Pinch your face a little along the main lines.
  7. Tap your palms in the same directions.
  8. Apply light pressure to the leather with your fists.
  9. Dab your face from the center to where the hair starts to grow.

It is enough to carry out such actions for 10 minutes twice a week.

Secrets of Rejuvenation After Forty Years

An adult woman eliminates facial wrinkles with home remedies

The preservation of natural beauty depends not only on the actual, but also on the biological age of the organism. If earlier it was not possible to minimize the harmful effects of the environment, violations of the work and nutritional regime, now you can start to prove that rejuvenating the body after 40 years at home is doable. Make sure your lifestyle meets the requirements listed below.

Limit Your Use:

  • Coffee;
  • Carbonated beverages;
  • smoked meat;
  • Sweets;
  • greasy food;
  • Food with synthetic additives.

Get More In Your Diet:

  • Bran and kefir;
  • dried figs, plums and dried apricots with aloe stalk;
  • Fish and other seafood, linseed oil, nuts.

Also, don't forget to follow these rules:

  1. There should be at least 30 ml of water per 1 kg of body weight per day. It is recommended to drink a lot in the morning.
  2. Get rid of bad habits.
  3. Do not go to the solarium, protect your face from sunburn, frost and wind with creams.
  4. Spend more time outdoors to boost collagen production.
  5. To avoid circulatory disorders, sleep on your back on a pillow 5-10 cm high.
  6. Take care of your skin.
  7. Cleanse the intestines of toxins with:
    • To wash;
    • Fast;
    • Grains or vegetables that are high in large amounts of fiber.

Also consume:

  • water enriched with silver;
  • Infusion of wild rose, knotweed and nettle;
  • Tea made from apple, sea buckthorn, currant leaves, St. John's wort and mint;
  • Red wine with sage and lavender leaves;
  • Fruit teas: strawberry, raspberry, blueberry.

Implementing these simple tips will help achieve the rejuvenation of the body after 50 years at home.

So, if you decide to reduce your biological age and get facial rejuvenation at home, do not worry: you will get a quick result - of course, if the proposed procedures are followed correctly, it will increase physical activity and dietand the lifestyle can be adjusted. Such simple methods will successfully replace expensive and often unsafe salon procedures and restore youth and health.